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“Sisterhood is many things. It’s a warm smile on a cold & rainy day, a friendly hug, a cheerful hello…It’s all that a good & lasting friendship is, only better. It’s treasured. It’s sacred. It’s knowing that there will always be someone there for you. It’s dreams shared & goals achieved. It’s counting on others & being counted on. It is real.”
Ja'Kee Garvin
Intake Coordinator
Hey Sis! I’m Ja’kee Garvin, also known as Quiet-Storme. I have been a proud member of Alpha Eta Phi MS Sorority Inc. since October 2022, as part of AEP’s first line to cross over. Within AEP, I serve as the Committee Coordinator, lead the Hospitality Committee, manage our social media, and work as an Intake Coordinator.
I currently reside in Charlotte, NC, and I am originally from Gastonia, NC. I am the mother of two gorgeous daughters. On November 11, 2021, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which has profoundly impacted my life. Despite this, I refuse to let my disability and now Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS) hold me back. It has become my personal mission to provide strong support to other women battling this disease and to work tirelessly within the MS community worldwide.
Alpha Eta Phi means the world to me, and I deeply love my sisters! AEP has blessed me tremendously, and I am excited to hear countless testimonies about how AEP has beautifully impacted others' lives. So, ladies, let’s goooooooooo!

Tamara Shields
Intake Coordinator
My name is Tammy Shields, also known as KanD13D, and I am originally from upstate New York. After serving in the Army as a Military Firefighter, I chose to make Fayetteville, NC my home. I am the proud mother of three adult children who are growing into upstanding citizens.
I graduated Cum Laude from American Military University with a BA in Psychology and earned my Master's in Trauma Counseling from Liberty University. Currently, I work as a Psychometrist with the Department of Veteran Affairs and as a Critical Care Representative at Cape Fear Valley.
I am passionate about volunteering and deeply love my community. My sorority journey began with Zeta Phi Beta Inc., one of the Divine Nine collegiate sororities. Recently, I was inducted into Alpha Eta Phi MS Sorority Inc., where I serve as an Assistant Intake Coordinator. I joined Elevated Elegance AEP in the Fall of 2023 and am an active member of the Team Building Committee and Assistant Intake Coordinator. The scripture that keeps me going is: "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
Alana Boyd-Willis
Intake Coordinator
A Portrait of Resilience and Leadership
Known affectionately to my sorors as SynC3R3, I was inducted into the illustrious sisterhood of Alpha Eta Phi in November 2023. My journey began alongside 14 remarkable women of the third line, known as Elev8ted Elegance, who collectively embody the values and aspirations of our beloved sorority.
I currently serve, with distinction, as the Lead of the AEP JagInsider Newsletter and as an Assistant Intake Coordinator. My active participation extends to the Events, Marketing, and Team Building Committees, where I am in a unique position to foster unity and growth. Through my efforts, I am trying to create a strong foundation for making a positive impact both within the sorority and in the wider community.
Though retired, I have vast experience in Finance, Commercial Banking, and Training. As a business-oriented professional, I relish building relationships and cultivating minds. My love for challenges led her to become an EMT, a path initiated by a challenge from my brother, which subsequently led me to serve as a 911 Operator.
Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, I am also a very devoted Mother to my son, Derrick Thomas-Boyd, whose recent passing has left a profound impact. Derrick was my biggest supporter, and being his mother remains the greatest accomplishment of my life.
Diagnosed with MS in 2011, I have faced an uphill battle with courage and determination. My personal motto, “MS is what I have, not who I am,” reflects my indomitable spirit. Inspired by my son’s encouragement to fight the good fight, I will stand tall in the face of adversity. I am also committed to fighting until a cure is found and will stand strong for my sisters even when they can’t stand for themselves.
Ready to educate anyone willing to learn, I feel I embody that mightiness and sisterhood of Alpha Eta Phi, proving that challenges can be transformed into pillars of strength and purpose.